Friday, August 21, 2020

Mark Twain: America’s Great Humorist Essay

The nineteenth century United States was assault by war, destitution and extraordinary development. Books and American Literature thrived during this time leaving a considerable lot of this period’s incredible writers to stay scandalous. Quite a bit of this writing is as yet viewed as probably the most persuasive composed centerpieces the world over. Understudies everywhere throughout the nation despite everything peruse and gain much from one of these creators being Mark Twain. The composition, of Mark Twain, one of America’s most noteworthy humorists and authors, was the consequence of his movements and educational encounters. Imprint Twain the dad of American Literature was conceived Samuel Langhorne Clemens on November 30th 1835 in Florida, Missouri. He was brought into the world the 6th of seven kids very untimely and debilitated, to Jane Lampton Clemens and Marshall Clemens, a representative, lawyer general, and storekeeper in Tennessee (The Life That Shaped Mark Twain). His dad passed when at the youthful age of twelve while his mom lived until he was fifty-five years of age. (Imprint Twain House) Samuel’s early life was incredibly affected by the Mississippi waterway after he moved to Hannibal, Missouri at 4 years old. Look more:â huckleberry finn exposition Hannibal turned into the impact for the imaginary town, St. Petersburg in the two books on Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Samuel never had any proper instruction, yet was a brisk and sharp student, and visited open libraries habitually. Being so entranced by the stream, he turned into a whelp understudy with the desire of turning into a riverboat pilot, later winning his permit in 1858. His encounters as an effective pilot assumed a significant job in his composition, and even affected the nom de plume he utilized for his whole composing vocation. The stream likewise took his sibling, Henry’s life being the survivor of a steamer blast while taking a shot at the waterway ( Clemens’ love for writing was obvious at an opportune time. He started filling in as a typesetter or printing student at eleven years old and kept on doing as such, all through the majority of his young life. He went around the vast majority of the nation even functioned as a typesetter in New York City, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco and that's just the beginning. He composed for a few papers and filled in as a proofreader incidentally (Mark Twain House). He even served a brief timeframe in the confederate armed force, seeing no activity and later was sent to travel European nations with the task of composing head out logs to be imprinted in the papers (The Life That Shaped Mark Twain). In spite of the fact that he delighted in working in the printing scene he came back to the waterway that he adored so a lot and turned into a steamer pilot, a place that held incredible position and regard. The pilot’s were paid well for the time and were fundamental for knowing the ever-changing profundities of the Mississippi River. As the pilots outlined along the waterway they would as often as possible stop to check the stream profundities utilizing the second line on a shaft in the stream connoted two distances or twelve feet down, which implied the water was profound enough for the pontoons to pass. To mean this profundity the vessel laborers would shout out, â€Å"mark twain.† (The Mississippi River) This is the place he would get his notable nom de plume. He kept on filling in as a steamer pilot despite the fact that the Mississippi ended the life of his more youthful sibling in an awful steamship blast. On the off chance that it weren’t for the episode of American Civil War, in 1865 stopping travel on the Mississippi, he may have spent the remainder of his days on that stream (Mark Twain House). With no work as a steamer pilot, he left the waterway to follow his more established sibling Orion, toward the west. During this time he ventured to every part of the western piece of the US, through the Rocky Mountains, visited Mormon towns and halted in Virginia City, Nevada where it was that he originally utilized the nom de plume, Mark Twain. After getting back from his movements he settled down and wedded Olivia Livy Langdon in 1870 and had 4 youngsters together. Their marriage was tormented with despair. Of the three little girls that they had together, Susy, Clara and Jean just Clara lived past her twenties. They likewise had one child together who kicked the bucket of Diphtheria at nineteen months old. A few antiquarians propose that a significant number of his works were impa cted by the social first class he came into contact with because of his marriage. From his union with Olivia, who originated from a liberal yet instructed family, this wide man was presented to significantly more. He met subjugation supporters, abolitionists, women’s rights activists (counting Harriett Beecher Stowe) and Frederick Douglas an idealistic author. His perspectives extended and in the coming years he composed the vast majority of his effective works at his sister-in-law’s house during summer occasions (Mark Twain House). Oliver and Samuel settled down in a home that he worked for the couple in Hartford, Connecticut where he felt the family would be appropriately shielded. The incredible works of Mark Twain included: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Life on the Mississippi, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, and A Tramp Abroad were extraordinarily affected by his earlyâ life, encounters on the Mississippi waterway and his reality voyages (Mark Twain House). Recorded as a hard copy, A Conne cticut Yankee, he opened the world to another classification of composing, being sci-fi. The epic recounts to the account of Hank a Connecticut metal forger whom was taken out in a battle and awakens back in time in King Arthur’s Court (A Connecticut Yankee). This expanded enthusiasm for time travel and more and an ongoing movie film entitled, The Black Knight, featuring Martin Lawrence was a free adaption of this 1889 great (The Black Knight). The creator remembered his affections for some questionable subjects into his work. He composed of policy driven issues, issues between the north and south, servitude, and made jokes about political and social standards. He held an incredible faith in spiritualist associations and remembered this symbology for a considerable lot of his bits of composing. Many contribute this to his introduction to the world agreeing with Halley’s Comet (Mark Twain House). In the Adventures of Tom Sawyer servitude was scarcely referenced by Twain, and African Americans were alluded as â€Å"Negros,† rather than progressively br ight terms utilized around then. At that point in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain depicts Huckleberry Finn as being unyieldingly against subjection in any event, endeavoring to forestall Jim, the, â€Å"negro,† from being found. Twain composed Huckleberry Finn, during a period that ex-slaves were exposed to financial abuse, disappointment, and unwarranted lynchings. Huckleberry Finn, is a parody not about subjection however of the bigotry that overwhelmed American culture as Twain composed the book in the late 1870s and mid 1880s, which keeps on recoloring America today (Mark Twain House). The author’s sees on subjugation in the US, during the 1800’s, was significantly impacted by his initial childhood in the province of Missouri, a slave state. Later he identified with those encounters in his books while communicating his own perspectives on the act of servitude. Being a southerner he was instructed to be master servitude, and was urged to keep slaves, however he really shared blended perspectives regarding the matter that involved southern, western and, â€Å"Yankee beliefs.† The creator built up this blended view through his encounters as a vagabond, living in several spots the world over. This wide experience permitted him the opportunity to pick sees on subjection that weren’t intrinsic to southern living. This was a troublesome situation as abolitionist bondage convictions, were against the convictions of his family. Discussions with abolitionists, his dad in law, and previous slaves, constrained Twain, to reconsider the world and the ethics that were instilled in him as a resultâ of his southern childhood (Mark Twain House). One of Samuel’s soonest recollections of slaves originated from an old slave couple who chipped away at his uncle’s ranch. He invested energy there in the mid year with his kin and would frequently be engaged by the narrating of slave, Dan’l and Aunt Hannah. They were a portion of the principal slaves that he knew and thought about before he, at any point realized it was, â€Å"wrong.† (The Lif e That Shaped Mark Twain) In one of his numerous self-portrayals, he clarified that one of his first recollections of seeing slaves frequented him. It was a memory of at least ten slaves anchored together standing by to be transported downriver to the slave showcase. He commented on how tragic their appearances were ( He later would show up in Atlantic Monthly by telling the valid and pitiful record of a slave named, Mary Ann Cord whose spouse and seven kids were taken from her and offered to different slaveholders. Imprint Twain felt this wasn't right and chosen to impart it to the world (The Life That Shaped Mark Twain). In Huckleberry Finn, Samuel composes that after Huck helped slave Jim get to opportunity, his cognizant began to eat at him, making him compose a letter to Jim’s proprietor, clarifying where Jim was. He pondered internally about how close, â€Å"I came to being lost and going to hell.† (Twain, 214) Subsequent to composing the letter he dithers while pondering internally on the river’s edge, about how great Jim was and about their extraordinary time together and afterward he said to himself, â€Å"All right, at that point, I’ll go to hell,† destroying the letter and altering his perspective (Twain, 214). This scene most unquestionably represents the interior battle Samuel felt, when managing the demonstration of subjection. Samuel met incredible accomplishment with his numerous works of fiction, yet his affection for science ate through his pocket. Samuel made more than todays’ 8 million dollars and spent everything on attempting to enable new creations to take off which ended up being extraordinary disappointments. The entirety of his reserve funds were dumped into science because of the way that it captivated him so much that he needed to be separated of something new. Many state that Twain died from a messed up heart,

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Essay Topics For Kids - How to Write a List That Makes the Kid Have Fun!

Essay Topics For Kids - How to Write a List That Makes the Kid Have Fun!The first thing you need to remember when writing essay topics for kids is that you need to keep it simple and easy to understand. You don't want to confuse the kid with too many facts or too many words.For your essay topics for kids, it is better if you make use of this tip. Be careful not to overload them with too much information that the child is not able to understand. Remember that this is not a classroom topic and it has to be more like a toy for a child.When you're discussing something to the child, you can start by asking questions. The idea is to make the child curious about the topic and also introduce him to other topics. Before you know it, he will have a good idea of the topic and the next step is to have him write it all down on paper. This is a great way to make the child learn to write.Next, take time to talk to the child and try to get him to express his thoughts about the subject in an engaging way. Use these as opportunities to get the child to express his own thoughts. Do not put any pressure on the child, as this can confuse him.The next step is to ask the child to respond to the essay topics for kids list. Of course, it is important that you know the child and his particular needs before you hand the assignment over to him. Once you have gathered all the information you need, this is when you can get started with the assignment.Be sure to read the instructions very carefully and double check that the child understands everything. Try to avoid using technical terms as this may confuse the child. You should explain to the child what the problem is and then include information on how the problem can be solved. After you have explained the problem, write down what the child can do to solve it. Then follow it up with a question and an explanation. The essay topics for kids list is a great way to begin teaching the child the English language.It is also important that you ma ke sure that the child's grades are high enough to earn the grade point average (GPA). This will help you in later, when the child has to apply for high school. The child will surely appreciate this.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Global Warming Causes And Impacts - 1716 Words

Global Warming Global warming is the ever growing tension and a controversial issue that is debated widely for the past few years. There are many critics and disbelievers still present in the politics and science field , who do not think that this issue is increasing at such a large scale. It may be due to the lack of evidences in this field, that resulted into this thought that it is the natural process that is evolving on this planet in cycles. In this present era the existence of global warming is not remained any controversial issue, but the causes and impact of global warming are still in the hot debates. Thesis statement: â€Å"Global warming is the basic phenomena that are gradually increasing with the passage of the time and it is becoming a constant danger for the our ecosystem†. Global warming and an unnatural weather change is fundamentally an issue of an excessive amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, which goes about as a sweeping, catching warmth and warming the planet. As we blaze fossil energizes like coal, oil and normal gas for vitality or chop down and smolder woods to make fields and ranches, carbon amasses and over-burdens our climate. Certain waste administration and horticultural practices bother the issue by discharging other intense a worldwide temperature alteration gasses, for example, methane and nitrous oxide. A dangerous atmospheric deviation is a wonder which has been happening over the past 15,000 years on Earth. It can be portrayedShow MoreRelatedPrevalence, Causes and Impacts of Global Warming Essay2501 Words   |  11 Pagesinformation presented were that the earth is getting warmer at a relatively faster rate and analysis of data and records reflected that the global warming is linked to greenhouse gas emission (Hansen 2000: 9876). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Meaning and Identity in Public Art - 560 Words

Meaning and Identity in Public Art While visiting the Capitol Square, I felt like I had stepped back into an ancient Greek culture. From the colossal pillars supporting the building to the bronze statues of Greek goddesses among our war heroes it is easy to mistake the Capitol building for a Greek temple. I want to share with you what the architecture communicated to me, what the subject of the art was that I observed, and why the building was placed where it now stands. Anyone who possesses basic knowledge about ancient Greece could surely see the similarities between Greek temples and the Capitol building. There is even an inscription on the Capitol building stating it is a Greek revival structure. The building has†¦show more content†¦What all this detail says to me is that this is a place where powerful people work and where many important functions of the city take place. I gain a sense that whoever is employed here has a great deal of wealth, be it in knowledge or money, and tremendous authority. The Greeks saw their rulers as being next to godliness, and in a way, the people who work here are our rulers. The subject of the art that I observed had a theme of peace, war, nobility, and discovery. The first statue I saw was a large monument made of bronze and marble. The monument featured Ulysses S. Grant, James A. Garfield, Phillip Sheridan, William T. Sherman, Rutherford B. Hayes, Salmon Chase, and Edwin Stanton standing under a Greek goddess (who resembles Ceres because she is surrounded by bushels of wheat and grains) with a quote under her that says These are my jewels. These men were by far the greatest men to come from Ohio and just like the Greeks who cast their heroes in bronze, so have we cast our heroes for all to see in bronze at the Capitol. The next monument I saw was a huge angel in bronze that included an inscription about peace. Then, on another side of the building, there are two monuments to the soldiers that went to fight at Iwo Jima. These walls contain etched letters from various soldiers, some of them are happy letters while others are very sad. There seemed to be many monuments to war than anything else. The monuments about warShow MoreRelatedGraffiti Is A Form Of Art1019 Words   |  5 PagesWhite English 93 01 December 2016 Graffiti is Art Graffiti is a form of art well known in the street art. There are many forms of arts like drawing, painting, sculpture, or graffiti. Graffiti is an art used for the community to send messages as well as representing for community identity and pride through Graffiti artwork. 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Bowlbian Perspective Journal Of Psychology â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Bowlbian Perspective Journal Of Psychology? Answer: Introducation We experience discrimination based on our gender in our academic, political, economic and social life that is gender inequality. Gender is the social identity, expectations and definitions related to the biological classification of male, female or transgender individual (McLeod, 2014).The gender inequality is established on the conventional notion that there are some behavioral psychological and intellectual differences exist between men and women and these differences make the men superior to the women. We often feel discrimination, especially towards women in professional work places and in our social life. The inequality can be experienced in various forms from the authority behavior and attitude towards us to the wage difference between men and women (Blau, 2016). I will mainly focus on the gender inequality that exists between man and women in our workplaces, homes and society. Theories There have been various studies, discussions, policies implemented in order to bring the gender equality but the inequality still exists all over the world in almost every arenas of life. Inequality theory Modern feminism has given rise to the search for how exactly the inequality originated in developed countries (Jayachandran, 2015). Great thinker Karl Marx has proposed theoretical implication of inequality regarding gender relationships (Brown, 2014). Biological difference The biological difference of sexes is inescapable but the gender difference can be avoided. The developed countries have tried to eliminate the gender inequality by redefining certain laws (Arat, 2015). However some believe that the biological difference will make the inequality exist always. The general financial strength of men will influence the gender inequality as it always has been. The three main factors that determine the male dominance and the inequality are inclination towards violence, physical capacity and reproduction. Sexual division of human labor The inequality can be originated back to the era of hunter gathering. The sexual division of men and women labor has been existed since this period of history (Bird Codding, 2015). In my house also I have seen how mother is working even after coming from work and father had little contribution to daily chores. Socialization The biological identity of the women is based on their power of giving birth and that leads them to the duty of looking after the children and socialization (Hetherington, 2016). Maternal deprivation The women as mothers have the duty to save and protect their children from corruption which has been termed as maternal deprivation (Ralph, 2014). Mother has more responsibility regarding our protection in the outer world. Social construction of gender In the nineteenth century the gender inequality was more focused on the social construction. According to Oakely the various aspects of social construction establishes the gender inequality in our society (Oakley, 2015). Various socio cultural factors influence individual during his or her gender identity development. The expectations from a specific gender in his or her social position are passed through various processes. Manipulation is the process when we engage our children with colors specific to gender identities. The girls are often dressed in pink. We can see how certain specific colors are associated with the girl child, at it reflects in the baby products all over the world. It is not just the dresses the gender specific toys are also there. Guiding boy and girl child towards gender specific toys is known as the canalization process that has its significant contribution in the formation of gender inequality. The parents expect their children to buy certain toys like girls would be buying dolls and boys guns or cars (Andreu, 2016). This can be experienced further when we see the woman with authoritative power in the office, often wears cloths that are generally considered masculine. The tasks are also assigned depending upon the gender labeling where it is considered that certain tasks can be done by men only. Media and Gender Ineqality The media has a significant role in forming the gender inequality. The depiction of genders in TV programs, shows, films, billboards and social media are often form the gender expectation and set our perspectives (Stead et al., 2016). The male oriented perspectives are often reflected in the advertisements or programs that often place the women in limited roles. Patriarchy Patriarchy is a common symptom of the gender inequality in our society that systematically favors men in most areas of life. Women are exploited in home where the unpaid labor of the women is expected by men and other family members and the exploitation of her labor in the professional world (Witz, 2013). Addressing gender inequality A consensus and shared vision on gender equality are developed within the community and organization. Womens needs, rights and benefits are articulated in the development program of the nation. The understanding has to be developed that the benefits of the socio political context are mutual for both men and women. Science in Australian Gender Equity (SAGE) In most organizational projects the gender equality objectives are included in the program. For example the Science in Australian Gender Equity (SAGE) is an effective Australian national program that promotes the diversity and equity in various departments of science and technology (Moyal, 2016). I believe that the findings can help to grab serious attention to the process and make the change program more systematic. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency is working to reduce the gender inequality and poverty in the world. SIDA gender analysis model is used in program, sector or country level across the world. The activities of the agency are effective to build the perspectives of men, women and children (Ericson, 2015). Gender mainstreaming Gender mainstreaming is a global program that has been established to identify issues related to gender inequality and promote equality. In 1995s Beijing World Conference for Women the United Nations created gender equality adoption platform to promote equality (Connell, 2016). The practice of justice for the social worker can prove to be challenging at times. The equal treatments for all the clients, serving them equal opportunities and maintaining the gender equality can create some ethical challenges (Thompson, 2016). I feel it becomes even harder for the social worker if he goes in a foreign underdeveloped country to do the social work. If the social welfare worker fails to develop a neutral and respectful approach towards the clients with respect and equal service the ethical responsibility fails. The social worker is expected to treat every human being as equal especially when they are dealing with adolescents and children (Akademikarfrbundet, 2015). We can observe different socio- economic structures of our society might lead the social worker to fail to understand and his or her treatment towards the clients might be aligned with ethical misconducts. The western conception of gender equality might not be appropriate for the nonwestern countries. While dealing with women clients the women workers weave their own story regarding nursing or mothers but the male worker might not be able apply such strategies as in certain culture the men workers might not be allowed to interact with the women clients as they do with men. The worker also could experience ethical dilemmas while dealing with the gender inequality in domestic settings. He might feel that certain actions need immediate actions but might be accepted as normal activities of daily life. Reference Akademikarfrbundet, S. S. R. Board of the Swedish Union for Social Sciences Professionals.(2015) Ethics in social work-A code of conduct and ethical behaviour for social workers.Recuperado de: https://akademssr. se/sites/default/files/files/ethics_in_social_work_0. pdf. Andreu, L. (2016). Selling Product or Selling Gender: Toy Advertisements and Child Gender Identity.The Boller Review,1(1). Arat, Z. F. K. (2015). Feminisms, Women's Rights, and the UN: Would Achieving Gender Equality Empower Women?.American Political Science Review,109(4), 674-689. Bird, R. B., Codding, B. F. (2015). The Sexual Division of Labor.Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, management, and Linkable Resource. Blau, F. D. (2016). Gender, inequality, and wages.OUP Catalogue. Brown, H. (2014). Marx on Gender and the Family: A Summary.Monthly Review,66(2), 48. Connell, R. W. (2016). Masculinity politics on a world scale.Women in culture: An intersectional anthology for gender and womens studies, 234-38. Ericson, J. (2015). Gender mainstreaming and the promotion of gender equality in Swedish development cooperation: A qualitative content analysis of Sweden's results strategies. Hetherington, E. M. (2016). A Developmental Study of the Effects of Sex of the Dominant Parent on Sex-role Preference, Identification.Readings in Child Socialization: The Commonwealth and International Library: Readings in Sociology, 85. Jayachandran, S. (2015). The roots of gender inequality in developing countries.economics,7(1), 63-88. McLeod, S. (2014).Biological Theories of Gender | Simply Retrieved 15 September 2017, from Moyal, A. (2016). Women in Science: A new frontier in Australia.Australasian Science,37(9), 36. Oakley, A. (2015).Sex, gender and society. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Ralph, J. (2014). A Bowlbian perspective.Journal of Psychology, 47. Stead, V., Elliott, C., Blevins-Knabe, B., Chan, E., Grove, K. S., Hanold, M., Smith, A. E. (2016). Social media, gender inequality and the workplace.Closing the Gender Gap: Advancing Leadership and Organizations,1(6), 4. Thompson, N. (2016).Anti-discriminatory practice: Equality, diversity and social justice. Palgrave Macmillan. Witz, A. (2013).Professions and patriarchy. Routledge.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Molecular Biotechnology In Life Essays - Biology, Molecular Biology

Molecular Biotechnology In Life If you have had a can of soft drink, ate a fruit, or took some head ache medicine this morning - then it's very likely you have used a genetically enhanced product. Genetics is a part of biotechnology that manipulates biological organisms to make products that benefit humankind. Biotechnology is essential in our life, but there are some concerns regarding its safety. Although, biotechnology may pose some danger it is proving to be very beneficial to humankind. The first applications of biotechnology occurred approximately around 5000 BC. Back then people used simple breeding methods. Chains of plants or animals were crossed to produce greater genetic variety. The hybridized offspring then were selectively bred to produce the desired traits. For example, for about 7000 years, corn has been selectively bred for increased kernel size and additional nutrition value. Also, through selective breeding, cattle and pigs have become the major sources of animal foods for human (Encarta 99). The modern era of biotechnology started in 1953 when British biophysicist Francis Crick and American biochemist James Watson presented their double-stranded model of DNA. DNA is an extensive, chain-like structure made up of nucleotides, and in a way it looks like a twisted rope ladder (Drlica 27). In 1960 Swiss microbiologist Werner Arber had discovered restriction enzymes. This special kind of enzymes can cut DNA of an organism at precise points. In 1973 American scientists Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer removed a specific gene from one bacterium and inserted it into another using restriction enzymes. This achievement served as foundation to recombinant DNA technology, which is commonly called genetic engineering. Recombinant DNA technology is a transfer of a specifically coded gene of one organism into bacteria. Further, the host bacteria serve as a biologic factory by reproducing the transferred gene. Today biotechnology's applications are used in a variety of areas. It's used in waste management for creation of biodegradable materials, in agriculture for higher yields and quality, in medicine for production of advanced pharmaceuticals, cloning tissues and curing genetic diseases. However there is a down side to genetic engineering. It deals with dangerous bacteria which could escape the boundaries of a lab and possibly cause epidemics. Moreover, if a transgenic organism escapes, it could eliminate a range of species and thus disrupt natural balance. Since biotechnology is a necessity, some government guidelines were established for strict regulation of recombinant DNA experiments (Encarta 99). Agriculture is the largest business in the world, with assets of approximately $900 billion and about 15 million employees. Back in the 80's, there was a concern, based on population growth rates, that by the turn of the century traditional agriculture would be in a serious trouble (Hanson 68). But due to the revolutionary development of biotechnology during last couple of decades agriculture has drastically advanced. Sensational achievements were made in both plant cultivation and animal husbandry. The modification of plants has become one of the most important aspects in agriculture. Increased crop yields can be achieved through the increase of land, or increased yield per tract. Land is expensive and should be used efficiently, to do so - large quantities of fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides and frequent irrigation may be necessary. Due to the increase in petroleum cost - prices for nitrogen fertilizers continuously rise. Herbicides and pesticides are considered to be hazardous and very costly materials. Moreover, recurrent irrigation gradually leads to serious damage of the soil due to the salt accumulation. Eventually, increased amounts of salt in the soil result in large losses of crops (Hanson 69). Biotechnology can incorporate genes that are resistant to environmental stress, viruses, and insects. Such modified plants will be resistant to the same factors as the incorporated gene. Crop plants could be genetically engineered to manufacture functional insecticides so that they are immanently tolerant to insects. No hazardous and costly pesticides are needed for such plants resulting in very low crop maintenance costs. Moreover, biological insecticides are highly specific for a range of insects and considered to be harmless to humans and other higher animals (Glick and Pasternak 341). Plant viruses very often attack crops and cause significant damage and loss of crops. Recombinant DNA technology offers a few ways to obtain natural virus resistance: viral transmission can be blocked, development of the virus can be blocked, or viral symptoms can be bypassed or resisted (Glick and Pasternak 345). Biotechnology also contributes to the development of plants with higher tolerance to environmental changes. Plants cannot avoid hazardous environmental conditions such as heat, drought, and UV radiation, so they have developed physiological ways to deal with